Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Testimonial - Lupus

I am a wife, mother, home-schooler of my 15-year-old son, Jonathan, and I also enjoy my volunteer work. I am in my late 40's but I feel better than I did in my 20's, and I would like to tell you how Noni Juice from Tahiti turned back the hands of time for me.
About 16 years ago, I was diagnosed with systemic lupus. I went through a summer following my doctor's directions to the letter, and by September, he announced to me that I was in remission. I stayed in remission for over a decade until I was involved in an automobile accident with an 18-wheeler. I was greatly blessed not to have any external injuries, but the stress of this huge truck shoving my little car out of my lane was more than this Lupus patient could stand, since stress can easily trigger a crisis and it did.
I began a downward spiral into overall degeneration of my body. There was not a spot on me that did not hurt. The first thing I noticed was the painful Butterfly rash on my cheeks, and that even clear water caused me a painful, burning sensation. My doctor, who is also my friend (we have enjoyed a great doctor/patient relationship for over 20 years) and a super intelligent Internist, tried everything to get me going again. Among other things, he used Methotrexate, Steroids, and Physical Therapy, as well as some of the newest and best medications on the market to help alleviate some of mysuffering but to no avail. Once I went to him in such excruciating pain that he gave me seven (7) injections of pain medication directly into the areas I pointed to - and it took me a full 3½ days before I could even tell I had had any pain killer at all! It wasn't long after that that he told me. " He did not know what else to do for me". Because of our long friendship, I believed him, and knew that had he known of anything else, he would have made it available to me. My friend had basically sent me home to die.
At that time, my hands (when held up before my face) were so swollen with no space between my fingers - that they looked like baseball mitts. My feet looked like a football stuffed inside of a flat shoe. I was in excruciating pain from my neck to my toes. Every joint hurt me. I was so stiff and in such pain that I walked like my 67 year old mother - I had to have assistance to get up from my chair. My sons had to assist me to use the restroom my knees did not work. I have fallen down my stairs 3 times over the past four years because my joints locked up. My husband informed me last November that I used to wake up crying out in the night because I evidently had reached another level of joint pain that I was unaware of during the day. He would have to rub to apply heat to my elbows, ankles, knees, wrists, back -wherever he thought I was in pain because I was totally unaware - even to this day of ever waking up crying at night because of my chronic Lupus pain 24 hours a day seven days a week without a break.
I live in a tri-level home, so I made one trip down in the morning and one trip up at night to go to bed. If I did any more than that, I was in bed for 2 days to build myself back up to my 2 hours of energy per day out of the 24. I lived my life in my lounge chair downstairs. If I had any business to attend to outside of my home, I had to rest until time to go, then come back home and either sleep in my chair or go to bed until the next day. Grocery shopping was a chore. If I bought the groceries, I was unable to bring them in the house; and if I got them into the house, I had to leave them on the floor until my children came home from school and put my groceries away.
Photo sensitivity made the sunshine my enemy. To protect my skin from the sun, I had to wear gloves on my hands to drive, a hat or a scarf to keepthe sun off my head or face, long sleeves even in the Summer, and sunscreen. I became a Moon child because I could not go out on beautiful sunshiny days. In late January, 2000, my daughter-in-law's father, John, who has Multiple Sclerosis, called me to tell me that because of this Noni Juice he was feeling much better and offered to send me some. I accepted and received the box about the last week of January. I looked at this Purplestuff that so resembled prune juice (which I dislike intensely) and I didn't take it right away. But then something hit me John was feeling better, and I knew he was on the verge of death what was my problem - I had better drink this juice. So February 1, I took my first tablespoon. I called John to see how much he was drinking, because he had felt better in three weeks. He told me 3 oz. three times per day. I did the same. By day five, I had so much energy I did not know what to do with myself! I was like that Pink Bunny with the drum I kept going and going and going!!!! By the time 6 weeks had passed, I was dancing the cha cha cha with my 15 year old in high heel shoes. That is 2 major milestones for me. I hadn'tbeen able to dance in years, let alone the cha cha cha but now I was wearing high heel shoes, and I hadn't worn heels much over the past 5 years because of the pain in my legs and back!
About two weeks later, I went for my annual checkup. My doctor was amazed when he found out that I was 98-99% pain-free! Amazed that I wasgetting all of this from a juice! He was amazed at my blood pressure. He said it was the best it had been in years! He took me off two of the three pills I was on, and told me that if I kept this up, I would soon not need any blood pressure medication at all! My doctor was so amazed at me that he went to the computer after completing my examination, and began to pull page after page of information off the Internet! The first sheet he pulled off was the research done by Dr. Anna Hirazuma-Kim. He brings it to me and says take this to every doctor you talk to, this juice cures cancer! Even I didn't know that back in April!

Gloria J.

Testimonial - Prostate Cancer

My name is Peter P., retired Nurseryman, 74 years young this 5th March, 2001. Having worked outdoors all of my life, always diet conscious (mostly vegetarian), taking plenty of exercise, I regarded myself as reasonably fit and healthy. That was until March 1998 when I was diagnosed as having Cancer of the Prostate. Needless to say, I was devastated, and I have spent the last three years fighting the Big “C”.

On January 10 ,2001, I was told about Noni Juice by a friend who had tried it and found it had helped him with liver spots and arthritis. Two days later I purchased my first 1 litre bottle and began taking 30mls three times daily. I did this for 3 days, then increased my intake to 60mls twice daily. After only 12 days I noticed distinct changes in my body, and after 4 weeks noticed the following:-

a) I no longer had to go to the bathroom 6-7 times nightly
b) A persistent cough and a tendency to asthma went away, as did a large solar keratosis from the top of my left hand
c) Best of all – a blood test for P.S.A. (Prostatic Specific Antigens) had lowered reading from 61.8 to just 7.1 (this is only after 4 weeks taking the juice).

My treatment regimen may also have helped with the above happenings, but never before did I have such good results. I now await further blood tests but I already feel so full of new found energy and general well being, that I am confident that my old enemy (Cancer) will be in complete remission.

According to the books I read, Noni Juice from Tahiti works on the whole body at a cellular level, normalising errant cells and promoting well being. Being an organic natural juice, Noni juice did not clash with any of the other 17 products I was taking regularly. At the time of writing, I have been taking Noni Juice for 6 weeks and am abandoning all of the other costly substances, as I no longer need them.

I commend Noni Juice from Tahiti to any of you reading this, should you suffer pain or discomfort.

Peter P., Taree

Testimonial - Pagets Disease

I suffer from Paget’s Disease, and have blood tests taken every 6 months. Paget’s Disease the second most common bone affliction after osteoporosis.

For a number of years I experienced sciatica down my left leg and eventually it prevented me from playing golf and tennis, dancing and so on. It became so bad that I could not walk to the next block without feeling a lot of pain. I had to sit down to ease the pain – that was just too easy.

I trialed acupuncture, electropuncture, physiotherapy including deep therapy, but nothing worked.

Then a friend suggested that I trial Noni Juice. What did I have to lose? I started to drink it in January 2002, and after about 7 weeks of this, I threw away all my prescription drugs.

My daughters sent me medical information regarding Paget’s Disease, and I learned that this disease can cause nerve compression. This was the cause of my sciatica.

In May 2002, my Serium Alkaline Phosphate(SAP) reading was down from 350 to 259, and I was back enjoying all the activities that I previously loved doing, and I had no pain. Wow!

During the period May 2002 to November, I tried another and cheaper brand of Noni Juice, but it was a mistake. I am now back onto my regular Noni Juice and all is well, and I am feeling great.

I would like to thank Beverly A. who introduced me to this excellent product. I have no arthritis pain, and my onset diabetes is well under control.

John R., Tuncurry

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Testimonial - Prostate Cancer

My name is Peter Robert PIKE, retired Nurseryman, 74 years young this 5th March, 2001. Having worked outdoors all of my life, always diet conscious (mostly vegetarian), taking plenty of exercise, I regarded myself as reasonably fit and healthy. That was until March 1998 when I was diagnosed as having Cancer of the Prostate. Needless to say, I was devastated, and I have spent the last three years fighting the Big “C”. On January 10 ,2001, I was told about Noni Juice by a friend who had tried it and found it had helped him with liver spots and arthritis. Two days later I purchased my first 1 litre bottle and began taking 30mls three times daily. I did this for 3 days, then increased my intake to 60mls twice daily. After only 12 days I noticed distinct changes in my body, and after 4 weeks noticed the following:- a) I no longer had to go to the bathroom 6-7 times nightlyb) A persistent cough and a tendency to asthma went away, as did a large solar keratosis from the top of my left handc) Best of all – a blood test for P.S.A. (Prostatic Specific Antigens) had lowered reading from 61.8 to just 7.1 (this is only after 4 weeks taking the juice). My treatment regimen may also have helped with the above happenings, but never before did I have such good results. I now await further blood tests but I already feel so full of new found energy and general well being, that I am confident that my old enemy (Cancer) will be in complete remission. According to the books I read, Noni Juice from Tahiti works on the whole body at a cellular level, normalising errant cells and promoting well being. Being an organic natural juice, Noni juice did not clash with any of the other 17 products I was taking regularly. At the time of writing, I have been taking Noni Juice for 6 weeks and am abandoning all of the other costly substances, as I no longer need them. I commend Noni Jce from Tahiti to any of you reading this, should you suffer pain or discomfort.

Testimonial-Prostate Cancer plus arthritis and angina

“MY BIG SCARE”---“NONI DID IT AGAIN”I was released from hospital 02/02 /2004 with no hope of survival, as I had cancer right through my bones with numerous hot spots throughout my body. My PSA cancer reading was 1139 which is very high, a reading of 4 is considered normal. My wife Robyn took a month off work and we spent most of our time at our beach home. Here the sea air helped change my attitude and I found it invigorating and trying to find ways of survival. (No operation, no radiotherapy and no chemotherapy because condition was too advanced.) I was pale and jaundiced, my next door neighbour asked me what was wrong, and when I told him I’d been given a death sentence, that there was nothing the medicos could do for me, he was shocked and told me to go to Bob Reid’s at Bob’s Farm, as he had a product that would help my cause. I was skeptical, thinking if doctors could not help me then who could?

Bob was convincing but I still had my doubts, he handed me three Noni web sites and after a few hours reading about the benefits of Noni juice I became convinced that this product would help my cancer. Next day I was back at Bob’s place and purchased my Noni, - thank God, because this was my lifeline. Prior to starting on the Noni juice, I was taking several tablets plus morphine including six herbal tablets per day, which my tennis mate and herbalist tried to convince me was the best thing to do. With all these toxins and herbal tablets in my stomach it left me with a terrible feeling, but with my first sip of Noni, all this awful feeling went away, which started to give me confidence in Noni and I stopped taking all the tablets instantly. However, going ‘cold turkey’ especially with morphine, which is addictive, I found it hard to stop. I was going out of my mind. A friend told me to go back on the morphine and wean myself gradually, and after a week I was happy to have so successfully.

About a week later I saw my GP and told him that I was off my tablets and feeling a lot better, thanks to Noni juice, and that I had regained my energy and a bit of strength. He said you better go and see your Urologist and get his opinion.Next week I saw my Urologist and he said I was looking much better than when he saw me in hospital and if I was in any pain, to go back on to my tablets and morphine. He asked me to come back in a month with a new PSA reading and then go to my GP and have a Lucrene Hormone needle which helps control my testosterone. . I returned with my PSA reading of 4.5, and when he looked at it, he seemed to think it was a mistake and asked me to return with another reading in a month’s time, which I did. This time the PSA reading was 4, and he said that I had had a “miraculous recovery”. At this point I said ‘yes, thanks to Noni juice’, and he completely ignored me and kept on writing, and said ‘you’re doing very well, from here on, you will need to have 4 monthly visits. As it happened, each time I returned the PSA readings went from 2.25, to 2.50, and then to 1.2. At this stage I asked my GP if I could stop taking my 4 monthly hormone needle, but he said ‘I know you have a lot of confidence in Noni juice and possibly the two are helping each other, but believe me without the hormone needle which controls your testosterone level and with the amount of tennis you play (4 to 5 times a week), you are increasing you levels of testosterone, so I advise you to continue having the 4 monthly injection’.I decided to check out what the GP said about testosterone levels, so I looked it up on the web and found he was partially right, so in my wisdom I decreased my Noni intake by half to 30mil a day, giving my GP the benefit of the doubt - big mistake! “MY BIG SCARE” My previous PSA reading was 1.2, However in June 2005 it had risen to 9.2. My Urologist said,’ your cancer has flared up, the hormone needle is not working, come back in three months time with a nuclear bone scan, as there is nothing out there to help you yet, except maybe chemo after I’ve had a look at the x-rays (bone scan)’, then he also said that I had a very very nasty cancer (originally), but in 6 months time it could be very seriousI was completely devastated and I drove home in a daze, and started having negative thoughts. My family and friends rallied around me and convinced me that I beat the cancer the last time and that I could do it again. It was very supportive and I started looking on the bright side again and began to think positive thoughts, as it was my only hope.I increased my Noni juice intake to 90 mils a day. After a few days I decided to get another opinion, I did not want to wait a further 5 months.I made an appointment with my GP to get a referral to see a second Cancer Specialist at the Mater Hospital, Newcastle. That very day I was given an appointment for the following week, and was told a nurse would ring me to discuss my cancer history and I would need to have my bone scan done before my appointment. “Bingo”, I got the ball rolling and found it hard to believe that I could make it all happen all within a week. When I saw the Specialist (Dr. R. North) the following week he had the results of the bone scan on his computer from John Hunter hospital, but the x-ray results would be there in a few days. He told me that there was no cancer in my bones but there were 3 hot spots. He told me to come back next week with a PSA and a Testosterone reading. & In the meantime he would look at the x-rays and let me know about the 3 hot spots. He told me not to worry, that they could be old scars (operation) or injuries (OA of knee and rib injury) and if they were cancerous they could be controlled with chemo. What a relief to know I was free of cancer in the bones. It was a joyous moment and I was ready to jump over the moon, and so pleased to know that I’ll be around for a while yet. NONI DID IT AGAIN Next appointment my results were very impressive, the testosterone level was at 0.1,which proved the Lucrene hormone needle was working, and negates any increase in testosterone so I could play as much tennis as I liked without any effects. On the x-rays it was impossible to tell what the hot spots were, but the Specialist said he’d keep an eye on the situation. The best result was my PSA reading at 5.5 from 9.2 two weeks earlier, after increasing my dosage of Noni juice from 30 to 90 mil a day. It restored my belief in Noni and proved to me that I should never have doubted this incredible product ­ “NONI DID IT ONCE AGAIN”­ I’m having another reading of PSA in 6 weeks and I’m certain it will be back to it’s former reading of 1.2 reading. (He is still receiving Lucrene injection regularly) 20/10/051. Hair regrowing2. Angina pain gone (play tennis 6-7 sets of tennis, 4-5 times a week)3. Arthritis pain almost gone (he also takes sea salts everyday for that.)4. Eye sight improved.

Kidney disease

I have been servicing my car at Ultratune in Fairfield for over three years. Some of you must think I must be "nuts" to go such a distance for a car service. Well George Torbay is the owner. He charges Bartercard for the service. Well three years down, he was gradually exposed to noni juice and the business. He was curious but never really got interested to the point of signing up. Some 5 weeks ago he phoned and order a case of juice. He stated, "it's for my dad, he is rather unwell". I have no contact with his father other than to enquire how he was going.

Guess what !George phoned again and ask for a second case, so I suggest he might as well sign up and I caught up with him next morning in his workshop. His father, Charlie was there to meet me and started to "tell his story" . He looked so good. He went on to tell me he is 56 years old, suffered with heart complaints, high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis and lastly was advised by his specialist that his kidneys are packing up and required kidney dialysis. Guess what, noni juice has reverse his kidney problems and he no longer needs to be worry about dialysis.

His specialist was curious what is this stuff he is drinking that makes such a phenomenal impact on his health status and has requested information. His blood pressure and his diabetes is now normalised. However he stated, "it has not really helped my arthritis". As Charlie was only drinking 30mls twice a day. I suggested he double the amount he drinks( and as you know, arthritis can certainly be helped with this "juice".!

Kidney disease

Well a friend of a friend requested a consultation with Dr. Williams. Her caring daughter and whole family turned up at our home to see Dr. Williams. This woman is 68 years old and given the life sentence that she would not live for longer then 6 weeks. Really she did not have anything to lose, she has multiple health challenges and was told by her specialist that her kidneys had completely failed and she would require dialysis. She refused and was content to die without medical intervention. Guess what! 6 weeks later on she is still living and her health status has improved significantly. Her kidneys are working. (All due to drinking the "juice")

Multiple Sclerosis testimonial

Many people ask Lee and I how we cope with a job and my councillor duties.

We have been taking this Noni juice for over 5 years now and we can attest to its value for our current lifestyle.

My younger brother introduced it to us when he was diagnosed with the severe MS. He was in Ryde Rehab hospital for about 2 months , was very ill, couldn't eat or drink without losing it and eventually could not eat through the mouth, suffered severe headache and eyesight pain. He was introduced to the juice in that hospital (through the navel) and within two weeks was able to resume normal life. The plaque affecting his brain is slowly dissolving and he certainly had his specialist mystified, who wanted to put him on the highest level of anti MS drugs. He works part time now and does a lot of mission work in Australia and Indonesia. He lives a full and active life. You may even see him preaching on the sidewalk in Chatswood. (He is very grateful to God for giving him back his life)

Tony H., Sydney

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Arthritis and Pain

Q. I am writing to you about a customer, who is the mother of a dear friend of my parents.
Laura is 85 years old, and has suffered with Osteo Arthritis in her back, and Rheumatoid Arthritis in her hands for about 50 years. Laura also has a pacemaker.

She has been taking 60 mls of Noni Juice before breakfast and before dinner (120 mls daily) for 11 weeks now. She is sleeping a little better in the early stages of sleep, however, wakes at 3 am in extreme pain, and is unable to get back to sleep. To date she has felt no relief from her pain symptoms.

She suffers with chronic pain particularly in her spine. She is bent over, and favours her right hand side. It is extremely painful for her to stand up straight, and to walk, and because of this she is quite house bound and does no exercise apart from her basic household duties. She lives alone and is a pensioner.

Laura is also taking Glucosamine, and Fish Oil. She does not like to take pain killers.

She is very positive, and is willing to persevere with the Noni juice. I would really appreciate any advice that may give her some hope for the relief of her pain in the future.

Thank you so much for your consideration in this matter.

A. Tell her to take 250 mls Noni Juice daily until the pain subsides then reduce it slowly to where the pain is managed. I hope this helps. Also lots of water (at least 2L/day if she can get it down.)

Hashimoto's Disease, Sleep, Hiatus Hernia and Low Blood Pressure

Q. I have a customer who appears to be having a reaction to the juice, and I would appreciate your advice. This lady is 45 years old. She has had Hashimotos Disease since 1989. For this she takes Pig Replacement Thyroid, 1 and a half grain capsule twice daily. After the birth of her her fourth child in 1997, she haemorrhaged, and since then has suffered from low blood pressure.
She has a recently dignosed hiatus hernia, and for this was taking Nexium 40 mg/day. She has stopped taking this however the symptoms since starting the juice have continued.
This lady has been taking noni juice for 8 weeks. She started with 60 mls twice a day. This caused her severe headaches with some nausea and diarrhea. She cut back to 30 mls twice daily, and the symptoms were less severe however, still persist. She is sleeping well, however wakes at 4-30am and can not return to sleep. She is depleted of energy, and finds it very hard to function normally with these symptoms. She is a healthy eater, and is of normal weight.
This month she has had an unusually heavy period with headaches and sore breasts.
She has been seeing a Classical Homeopath for 4 years. I would appreciate any advice you can offer.
Many thanks.

A. Firstly your lady needs to make up the following drink by Dr. Williams and drink it four times daily for a week then once a day or more often if needed. 1L water + 1/2 heaped teaspoon of “Lite” Salt (it has more potassium than sodium – see the side of the bottle) + ¼ teaspoon cooking salt (no aluminium) + juice of 1.2 lemon. She needs to drink this to raise her blood volume – this will greatly help her blood volume. It will take about 3 days. She needs to stay on her thyroxin tablets and continue taking the noni juice – if she persists with the juice she may find over a long period of time (years) that the thyroid will not get any worse (as has been reported by others) and this is a great benefit. The sore breasts etc. may be just the hormones adjusting and I would strongly advice her to use the wild yam cream to help regulate the high estrogen levels. I would suggest if she is suffering from depression (not mentioned here – but the lack of energy may be partly that) then she buy Dr. Vera’s S.A.D. which is a tryptophan (amino acid) formulation and take ½ teaspoon in the morning and ½ teaspoon at night in water or juice. As for the hiatus hernia she needs to follow the advice of no coffee and reduced spicy foods especially at night.

You can tell her that I had all of these problems (except the hernia) and this is how it worked for me. I still have Hashimoto’s and for the last 7 years I haven’t had to have my medication raised at all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Testimonial - Dog

I am writing this testimonial on behalf of my 14 year-old bearded collie name of Brutus.
This testimony starts in May 1999 when the vet advised us that Brutus had to have one of his testies removed. We were very unhappy about this but that was not the worst news. After the operation, we were told that Brutus also had contracted cancer.
In November 1999, my wife and I travelled to Australia to stay with friends, in the Port Stephens area of NSW. They were very thrilled about a natural health product from which they were receiving wondrous results, and so we decided to purchase some and returned home to New Zealand with it.
Brutus was given 1 teaspoon of Noni Juice on his meat daily.
Before long he was noticeably more active, and obviously the pain in his joints began to disappear.
The best news was when the vet reported that the cancerous lumps had disappeared.
In June 2000, his eyes started to cloud over and once again we gave him Noni Juice until his eyes cleared and very obviously his eyesight improved.
Even his white hair is being replaced by new growth full colour gray hair.
Our Brutus is like a 5-year old and we are very grateful to Noni Juice.

James J., Christchurch

Testimonial - Pain, anxiety etc

Eighteen months ago I made a decision to trial Noni Juice, as I suffered from chronic back pain, and also leg pain, that made travelling an unpleasant experience. Initially I drank 30mls per day, and then I increased the amount to 30mls twice daily, which is what I drink today.

There have been so many benefits that happened gradually over the months that I am amazed. The pain is no longer there, and for this I just thank the Lord. My skin was mostly dry and flaky, but is now quite normal. The problem with the arthritis in my fingers is becoming less and less. Muscle tone, strength and energy have increased. Bones and nails are stronger and obviously my hair is much healthier.

As well, sunspots and small growths on my face and hands, and an ulcer, have all disappeared with using the Noni Juice topically.

My digestive problems have disappeared. Anxiety headaches are easier to control. Cuts and bruises heal in a third of the time. Insect stings no longer cause an allergic reaction and hurt very little.

I could make this list last forever, however the most amazing benefit from drinking the juice is with my eyesight, which has been completely restored after 12 months of drinking the juice. I did have macular degeneration. The optometrist has taken photos of my left eye, which show there is no sign of the former condition, nor is there any visible scarring.

My elderly mother who passed on this condition to me, was told on her last visit to her eye specialist, that her eyesight is improving, and she is very thankful for this. So far, she has taken only a very small amount of Noni Juice.

I wish to share this pure fruit juice with everyone.

Testimonial - Haemochromotosis

Being a 57-year-old Australian male, I very seldom visit my doctor. Not because he doesn't know his job, but because I hate to waste his time or mine.

Two years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with Haemochromotosis, (too much iron in the blood). This was discovered while undergoing tests for thyroid complaints. This was the first time I had heard of the disease. I also learned that the disease is hereditary and that her mother and brother had been tested and was clear. So father went off to be checked…sure enough…the culprit was Dad. In order to get my iron level down, I spent eight months giving weekly blood donations. My iron content is now kept within normal levels by quarterly blood donations to the Red Cross. In October 1999, I was involved in a vehicle accident (rollover), from which I was lucky enough to walk away, with a few minor scratches and bruises. However, from that point on I have suffered bouts of severe depression and mood swings. After six months of Arropax, and other drugs (which I hate taking), I stopped taking the drugs and took St John's Wort tablets for the depression and Valerian for sleep assistance.

In April this year, my wife, who is a noni juice distributor, was looking for a "Guinea Pig". She needed a person who had not taken noni juice before, to have a 'Live Blood Test', then drink four times the normal daily dose of noni for four weeks, and then have another 'Live Blood Test'. Well I was skeptical, but being a supportive husband, I volunteered. Prick the finger, smear the slide, under the microscope, and watch your blood on the screen… This is my blood…or should I say this was my blood: The white circles are red blood cells, which carry oxygen and other goodies around the body. The oxygen is carried on the surface of the blood cell (imagine the blood cell as a ping pong ball and the oxygen adheres to the surface). You can see many of my blood cells were stuck together, and where this is the case, there is no oxygen being carried on that surface which was joined to another blood cell. Therefore I had lower oxygen circulation than I should have had. This naturally was causing me to be tired and lacking in energy.

Four bottles and four weeks later…I was still skeptical. I didn't feel different, but having drunk the juice for four weeks, I should see if there was any difference. Prick the finger, smear the slide, under the microscope, and watch your blood on the screen… again! The difference: the little suckers wouldn't keep still, moving independently all over the screen. Then I started to think… more energy than before, not as tired, no depression or mood swings, sleeping better. This juice had to be doing something to make me feel so good. No more drugs, no more herbs… just juice. Then to top all that, my last three blood donations have shown my iron level is less each time I give my donation. I am convinced, and I hope you are.

Bob B., Goolwa

Testimonial - Brain Cancer

In the fall of 2000, Don, age 52, developedGlioblastoma, a very aggressive but rare form of brain cancer. The lastwords he spoke were on 11-2-2000. He had multiple brain lesions and wassent home from the hospital on 12-12 and placed under Hospice care. Hewas takingDilantin to control his epileptic seizures; his last seizure was on12-5. His family was told he was stage 3 or 4 and there was no hope. He was ina coma and the Hospice nurse said before Christmas that he would not last 72 hours and that his wife should get the family there quickly.

Fortunately he lived long enough to try our noni juice. Flo Angeles spoke with Don's wife in January and told her about how well Noni juice worked. Flo and I spoke with her to explain that it was worth trying even though the medical doctor said there was no hope. When we challenged her that she had nothing to lose,she discussed it with Don's sister and they agreed to try it using the very aggressive formula that works for many cancer patients. The formula she tried to follow is explained at the end of this description. The time line is shown below so you can see Don's remarkable progress. The noni juice and a few drops of the noni extract were put into his feeding tube every hour. After a couple weeks his wife added another Extract.

Timeline (2001):
Approximately Jan. 2, 2001 the Hospice nurse said Don was unresponsiveand had no reflexes.
1-8: Don began Noni juice; he was given 1 oz. in feeding tube
1-9: Don was given 6 oz. today; (approx. 1oz. per serving)
1-10: Don was given 13 oz. today (this began regimen of approx. 1oz. perserving, every hour)
1-11: Don opened his eyes. 12 oz. total today
1-12: Don seemed to be trying to follow sound with his eyes. They wereable to stop medication for constipation. 32 oz. total today
1-13: Don was propped up while football game was on TV. He did not needpillows on either side to hold up his head as he usually did. He held his head off the pillow for a few minutes at a time to try to follow game. 28 oz. total today
1-15: 30 oz. a day yesterday and today
1-16: Noni decreased TNJ to approx. 16 oz. per day since his first 4 days of approximately a bottle a day was over.
1-18: Don is keeping his eyes open all day. He had a seizure and doctor agreed to check his Dilantin level because too high a level can cause a seizure.
1-19: He raised his eyebrows to answer that he would like to eat some ice cream. He was able to eat a bowl of ice cream. His Dilantin level was cut because it had been 35 when it should have been between 10 and20.
1-22: Hospice nurse said that Don was a different patient and wanted to know what had changed. She also was drinking noni juice but did not know what it is capable of doing. Don wiggles his toes and gives them a " Hi five" when asked. His wife increased juice to 20 oz. per day. It appears Don is trying to talk.
1-24: Beginning today, average daily amount consumed is 26 to 28 oz. per day.
See 1-28: for weekly progress summary.
1-28: Don repeatedly caught a ball thrown to him with his right hand (he had been left- handed but his left arm is not yet moving). He has been eating oatmeal, rice pudding, and a banana without problem. He spoke a few words and a few sentences. His wife and sister were looking for a pillow and he said, "It's under the covers." When they were moving his leg, he said, "Why are you doing that?" When some people were visiting and they said they'd sit and talk a while, he said, as long as it doesn't involve Noni. He has been hearing about noni constantly as people are talking about it all the time because of his miraculous recovery. His wife said that remark is typical of his sense of humor. Don does not always respond when spoken too; he is keeping his eyes open except for a few catnaps.
1-29: His wife went in to see him in the morning and he said, "Hi" It had now been 3 weeks since he started drinking noni. His wife called their friends to tell them about his amazing recovery.
2-2: Don had 2 short (30 sec.) seizures in the last few days and is keeping his eyes open all night. After the seizures he has been lethargic. I said that it might be good to cut the amount of noni back abit and/or stop it earlier in the day because it can decrease our need for sleep. He needs his sleep to continue healing. His wife gave him 26oz. of Noni today but gave the last dose earlier in the day. She also gave him some Phenobarbital. They're checked Dilantin level but they don't have results yet.
2-3: Don slept well last night and is responding very well. He is speaking again. Don picked up something with both hands so his left arm is now working. His wife does not want to cut amount he is drinking but will stop it earlier in the day.
2-5: Don was holding a book with both hands and when asked to read he read a difficult paragraph. He is occasionally answering family members using long sentences. He laughed at a movie. His Dilantin level was 5 so that would account for the two seizures. His amount of Dilantin was raised.
2-7: Don is using his right arm, doing things such as scratching his face. Flo had asked him if the feeding tube bothered him and he said"Yes it bothers me". They removed the feeding tube and he is eating normally. The doctor has prescribed physical therapy but it has not yet started. You can imagine how happy his wife is that she has hope and is not planning a funeral. His wife expects it will be at least a few weeks until another CAT scan is done so we can only judge his progress by his responses so far.
Note that Don is not receiving any other treatment for cancer. The doctors are amazed and
don't know what to make of this.

Testimonial - Cancer

On February 23, 2001, some friends came to visit me. At this point, my friend told me she had 4 cancerous tumors the size of a golf ball in her upper chest and throat and that the doctors had given her approximately three months to live. They purchased one bottle of Noni juice and started drinking the juice on Sunday, February 25 - Sun, March 3, Lisa drank 4 ounces per day-

On Friday, March 1, the doctors called and told her that they found three more tumors and that she now had only 1 month to live. On Monday, March 5, she took 11 ounces of Noni juice, 1/3 of her second bottle. She then went to the doctors for a checkup and they were amazed at what they found. Her 7 golf ball sized tumors had decreased in size by 75% after drinking only 1 and 1/3 bottles of Noni juice! Tues, March 6-Wed, March 7, she drank 11 ounces per day -Thurs, March 8, she drank 1 bottle -Fri, March 9, she drank 1 bottle -Sat, March 10-Mon, March 12, she drank 16 ounces per day -Tues, March 13, she drank 8 ounces -Wed, March 14-Thurs, March 15, she drank 4 ounces per day Sat, March 17-Sun, March 25, she drank 4 ounces per day. On Sunday, March 26, she told me she could no longer feel any tumors. She is now 29 years old with an 8 and 4 year old. She is now working again and full of energy.

Lisa F.

Testimonial - Cancer between ribs & Spine

I am 31 years of age, and 2 1/2 years ago was found to have tumours between my ribs, causing them to fuse together, and also on my spine between the 3rd and 4th vertebrae
I was given radiation treatment by my doctor.
I met a noni distributor, from Inverell,who came into the nursery where I worked, and who, when hearing of my condition, recommended that I trial Noni Juice. She obtained it for me. I took 4 to 6 tablespoons three times daily, and 2 months later went back for further scans.
My doctor was amazed to find that the tumours were shrinking, and told me to keep doing what I was doing!
I then started to consume approx 4 oz (120 mls) three times daily, and three months later the scans showed that the tumours had reduced from the size of a 20c piece to the size of a garden pea, the "tails" of the growths had also "dropped off"
By the end of 6 months, the tumours had disappeared completely. That was 2 years ago, and today I am healthy and well. I am consuming approx 90 mls each day(30mls by 3 times) and will continue to do so.
I thank this distributor for introducing me to this life saving juice, and I thank the company for bringing it to Australia.

Kristen O., Casino

Testimonial - Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia

have had what was diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for six years. Fibromyalgia is like arthritis, only in the muscle. The symptoms are worse with physical exercise or activity. Something as simple as peeling potatoes can cause two days of pain. Pain is often delayed one or two days after the activity.
Some doctors think that since the magnesium levels are usually low in fibromyalgia patients, the muscles actually tear. Muscles can tear in athletes with lack of stretching and over-activity, but this is way beyond normal and stretching also causes delayed pain.
Most patients also have sleeping disorder, as the muscles don't relax enough to let you sleep properly. For many patients, numerous nights are spent rocking back and forth in pain for hours, before getting a few hours of fitful sleep.
The last six years have been spent doing what little work I could do out of my home. I earned a little with multi-level marketing and some telephone work. Much of the time was spent on relative's couches when unable to work at all. A little over two years ago I went to a chiropractor who gave me some nutritional products for 12 weeks. My energy level started to increase, but none of the pain subsided. I was able to do a few more things each day.
After that, I was introduced to LifePlus products and started taking some enzymes. I had had a bad knee that was painful anytime I did the least little walking. That healed within a couple of months and hasn't returned since. So, I thought I had really found something. I then started taking Pycnogenof (OPC'S), digestive enzymes, and then later, colloidal minerals.
These things definitely helped my energy level and some of the pain. They helped me sleep a little better. At least, I was not rocking back and forth in pain every night, but I still had to take lbuprofen once or twice a week. As I kept going on the product, it seemed only to maintain but no more progress was made. They definitely helped me at least start to "get a life". Most of that terrible weak and fatigued feeling did leave.
However, I still had a lot of pain. I dreaded bending over to pick anything up or get something out of the cupboard or refrigerator. I usually waited for my daughter to do it for me. It was painful for me to get out of a chair or get in and out of the car. I could manage to do dishes and maybe go to the store for a few things, as my total activity out of my chair.
I dreaded walking very far, because of the pain, and if I 'couldn't find a close parking space, I would give up and go home. If I was going to have to walk very far in a big store I could get an electric cart. My daughter sometimes wanted me to shop with her. In order to do that we would rent a wheelchair from the mall.
I often could not sit all the way through church. It was a painful event to go to a movie. If I went to a family gathering, after being there an hour or so, I couldn't wait to get home and sit down. My underlying energy level was quite good, but pain wears you out quickly, and all you want to do is get where you can lie down or recline in a soft chair.
It would usually take a full day or two to recover from traveling any distance.
I started Noni at the end of September, and at the end of my first week I felt my movement was more free. I didn't walk so haltingly, and could move about easier.
Then I made a trip to Utah for my son's wedding, and I noticed it did not take me long to recover from that trip. I helped do some cooking for the wedding which was still painful, but my recovery time seemed less. I was off the Noni for a few days but on the way back to Phoenix, I opened another bottle. I could tell that it helped make the trip much easier. I felt it was really worth pursuing it further.
I returned to Phoenix on October first and started telling others about it. There was immediate interest and so I decided to see if I could also work toward making a living by sharing it with others.
I continued to improve. I started sleeping better, taking less lbuprofen. I noticed it was easier to bend over. I mopped the bathroom and had much less repercussion from it. As I continued through the month I started to think about what I wanted to do with my life, instead of how to get through the day as cheerfully as possible.
My Noni business started to grow and we started seeing results with other people here locally with Diabetes, infected bum healed quickly, arthritis, etc.
I started going through my canned goods and doing other extra things instead of painfully getting through the minimum. Previously, my daughter had to do most of the housework. There were times when I got discouraged as I had some emotional ups and downs in this process. I also would have a day or two when the pain was very bad, but then soon it was gone and I was better than before. I had some depression, which is unusual because most people react feeling better, mentally.
In fact, there have been three people in my downline who got off Prozac. However, I know it was working as I was doing things like getting in and out of my car without much effort, walking faster and more normally, not dreading having to get my daughter at 9:30 or 10:00 at night. I was doing so much more that I was determined to stick it out. Well, it really paid off.
At the end of being on it for two months, it really started kicking in. I am in my third month now and I am amazed at what I did over Thanksgiving. The day before, I baked a turkey, made dressing from scratch, made gravy, cooked and mashed potatoes, peeled yams, made a yam dish, went to the store and chauffeured my daughter to school, to work and back.
I was bending over and putting things in and out of cupboards and the refrigerator, doing dishes, etc. On Thanksgiving, we went to my sister's for dinner at 1:00, stayed and played games until into the evening. My nap was to fall asleep in my chair for a few minutes. The next day, I went to Prescott and Sedona with my family. We did some shopping at several stores, drove around to see the sights, etc., and got home at 12:30 that night. My nap was about 15 minutes in the car sitting up. All this three days in a row!!
After being on the product for about a month, both my daughters independently commented on how I now have life in my face that wasn't there before. I look forward to continued improvement.
I took one bottle of Noni a week for awhile. I now take about 2 tablespoons, 2 to 3 times a day. I take more if I do some major activity. I love ballroom dancing and have been able to go several times recently, which is wonderful. I still have some pain, but way, way less.
Since Noni also enhances anything else you are taking, if I have pain at night now I just take some Noni or some calcium/magnesium tablets, which now work beautifully to relax me and get me right back to sleep.
Before Noni, those same tablets would never help me at all. I have had no pain medication for weeks!
Sharon C., Arizona

What is the INCC?

The International Noni Communication Council (INCC) is an independent, scientific entity that protects the integrity of the international noni market.

This website offers a history of noni, information on the noni industry, research that has been undertaken on noni and also verious testimonials by people who have taken noni juice.

This website offers a marvellous array of information to anyone wanting to find out whether noni will help their health condition by offering peoples own experiences in relation to their health conditions. These conditions range from skin rashes to lung cancer.

Have a look the link can be found on the side bar

Sunday, October 16, 2005


My cat has been with us for fifteen years already and has never fallen sick. One day, it was not able to pass motion and was passing out blood all over the house. This cat is toilet trained and it has never dirtied the house before. I could see that it was in pain. Then I remembered that I could also feed my cat with noni juice. I tried to feed it but it was reluctant to drink. I ended up applying half ounce of noni juice on its front legs and paw, so that when it cleaned itself, the noni juice will be consumed. The next day, it has recovered and back to normal and as active as usual. Thanks to this miracle fruit.

Clarene Y., USA


When my doctor told me I was pre - I thought he meant historic. He meant - pre-menopausal. I was only 47 at the time. This frightened me as I thought I had a long way to go before that fun stuff. Well sir - the hot flashes, the night sweats - the mood swings – the incessant crying and anger was overwhelming. I had to take showers twice - once to get clean - the 2nd time to wash off the sweat. I had to blow dry my hair before leaving the house. I was soaked most of the time. I took evening of primrose - Vitamin E, meno-basics - an herbal cocktail of all kinds of great herbs - to no avail. My face was always red hot. I always felt like someone got out the kitchen torch - except there was no creme Brule! I had fans in every purse and used the church bulletin every Sunday to cool off. Finally, my sister introduced me to NONI juice in Feb, 05. Hey I thought, I am not interested in Hormone Replacement Therapy - it has side effects. Ok - let's try it. I even bought an apron that said - " I am still HOT - it only comes in Flashes!"

Within 1 week - no flashes - no sweats - no ruining my good clothes. No chills, no red face. I kept telling my mom and sister how great I felt - my mom was very skeptical and said maybe my menopause was finished. I visited my doctor and told him - he was amazed and had no explanation. He said I was now mid-menopause - but who cares - I feel amazing. Now I say - I am 50 - and still AMAZING! Thank you NONI!

Clara M. C., Canada


At the age, 16 I severely injured my back. All the sports I used to love I could no longer play due to my disk herniations. I went though months and months of physical therapy, but it never helped. All the therapist would smile and say your doing great and let me on my way. BUT I WAS STILL IN SO MUCH PAIN!I went back to my doctor and he suggested surgery or steriod shots. I choose the shots, but eventully decided not to take them. I suffered in pain until I was 19 years of age. This was the year I was introduced to Tahitan Noni juice. A month and a half later, after drinking 2 ounces a day of the Tahitian Noni juice, I have no more pain. I now play basketball for fun and occasionally go bowling. I thank God for bringing noni into my life.

Jon S., USA


I started using noni juice seven weeks ago and since then my energy levels are soaring. Noni juice has changed my life. I no longer have acid reflux, the pain in my lower arms and wrists are gone, the pain in my knees is gone, and I haven't used any sinus medications in over a month now. I can go up and down the steps without gasping for air. I can't say enough about this juice; it has changed my life. Why not let it change yours?

Mary T., USA


I started drinking noni juice for good nutrition when I found out I was pregnant. It gave me increased energy and lowered my stress levels in just a few days. I drank noni juice every day during my pregnancy and never experienced many of the "pit falls" of pregnancy, such as morning sickness, mood swings, lack of energy, and headaches. When I went into labor I drank an ounce of noni juice every hour, and did not use any pain medication for delivery. I delivered a healthy nine-pound baby boy. He was very alert after birth. He was able to lift his head and focus his eyes on me while nursing. My midwife was amazed at my 48-hour check up because I had almost no swelling or soreness. I had such positive results with noni juice that I began giving a fourth of an ounce to my newborn when he was a few days old. He likes taking noni juice; it is the only thing I've given him other than breast milk. I've noticed slight differences between my son and other babies his age. He rarely cries, sleeps easily, and is very attentive when he's awake. At two months he had complete head control and started rolling over. I don't know if his development and temperament has been effected by noni juice, but I'm glad to have such a healthy, happy baby boy.
--Kathleen T., USA 6 Apr 2003

Monday, October 03, 2005

TESTIMONIAL - Thyroid Cancer

I was diagnosed as having an inflamed goitre on July 2002 and was sent to a specialist.

A biopsy was performed in November and within 5 days I was in hospital to have a removal of my thyroid operation on 28th November.

On 5th December I was again operated on, due to complications and the fact that the biopsy had proved malignant. Two hours after that operation, I was again in surgery due to heavy bleeding.

Two weeks after this time, my friend called to see me and bought me a bottle of Noni Juice. I left it in the refrigerator. She again returned and after reading some books she had bought with her, I decided to take the juice very seriously…

My first bottle I drank in 10 days, and continued around that amount or more, until I recovered.

When I was due to have radiation, I consulted my doctors about staying on the Noni Juice. They examined the contents of the bottle, read a book I had loaned to them, and told me I could keep drinking it throughout the radiation. At this time they took me off OROXIN, for two weeks prior to the radiation, to “weaken me”. Imagine their surprise when that did not happen, I felt strong and well throughout the radiation.

The doctors and nurses were amazed – everyone else in a similar situation as I was, were weak and nauseous, and I just powered through.

When I came home my two sons both had tonsillitis, and my 5 year old was due to have them removed. I started them on Noni Juice, at 10mls daily, and very quickly my 5-yr old lost his fever and the tonsils in both diminished back to normal size.

I just love this juice, and I can’t help talking about it to everyone.

O. Aloda