Sunday, September 25, 2005

Healthy and Happy Pets-Dr. Neil Solomon

We love our pets. In America alone, we spend more than $20 billion a year on them. Yet sadly, just like people, animals are less healthy because of poor diet, lack of exercise, and the rise in chronic, degenerative diseases. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

During his research on noni juice, Dr. Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D., gathered positive data from thousands of people who drink noni. Throughout this time, he became keenly aware that noni’s healing influence didn’t stop with humans. Thousands of animals, both farm and domesticated, have used noni with results just as amazing as their human friends.

In this book, Dr. Solomon shares the information he has learned from veterinarians, farmers, and pet owners from around the world. This book will teach you things like how much noni to feed your pet and the best way to give it to them. You will also learn the noni protocol that top-notch veterinarian Dr. Gary Tran has used with over 10,000 animals to get them healthy and keep them that way. Dr. Solomon shows pet lovers everywhere how to use noni juice to help keep their pets as happy and healthy as they can be.

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