Sunday, September 25, 2005

How Often Should I Drink Noni Juice-Dr. Neil Solomon

In an attempt to answer this question, a study of metabolic kinetics of noni puree has been carried out at the UIC laboratory in Rockford, Illinois. The metabolic kinetics of noni puree was studied in female rats after oral administration on 1 ml noni puree per 100 grams of body weight. Scopoletin, a well known major component in noni puree, was chosen as a marker and monitored in the plasma and in different organs over time. Results showed that to maintain a higher blood concentration of scopoletin, noni juice* should be taken every two to four hours. For overall health maintenance, however, noni juice* should be taken every six to twelve hours, no matter how much you drink. You should divide the doses into several servings, rather than take the total daily supply all at once. Results demonstrated that the frequency of drinking noni juice* is more important than the amount you drink. The distribution of scopoletin in various organs indicates that noni is absorbed into different tissues approximately one hour after administration. The peak concentration in different tissues occurred at about three hours.

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